Who we are
CLAC East was launched in 2019 by Professor Christina Jerosch-Herold and Professor Christi Deaton and is jointly funded by the University of East Anglia and Health Education England (East of England). The team has since expanded.
Christi Deaton
Christi Deaton is the Florence Nightingale Foundation Clinical Professor of Nursing at the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine and Cambridge University Hospitals. She leads the Clinical Nursing Research Group (CNRG) and supports research capacity building among nurses, midwives and AHPs. She is the Chief Investigator for the Optimise HFpEF study.
Christina Jerosch-Herold
Christina is Emeritus Professor of Rehabilitation Research at the University of East Anglia (UEA). She previously held several NIHR fellowships, mentored and supervised clinical academics, and was an NIHR Training Advocate for occupational therapy. She currently co-leads the HEE-funded Pre-Doctoral Bridging Programme and continues to be involved in some research on hand rehabilitation and outcome measures
Joanne McPeake
Jo McPeake is Professor of Nursing at The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute, University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals. Joanne leads a programme of research dedicated to improving outcomes for those who have been critically unwell. She is the Clinical Chair of the James Lind Alliance Research Priority Partnership for Sepsis, which aims to establish research priorities for sepsis care in the UK. Jo supports research capacity building among nurses, midwives and AHPs across Cambridge University Hospitals, supervising clinical academics from various disciplines.
Anne Killett
Anne Killett is Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy at the University of East Anglia, researching long term care and older people. She supervises and mentors clinical academics and has a particular interest in developing research capacity in the social care workforce.
Russell Fitchett
Russell is a Lecturer in Health Sciences (Research) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and a Radiographer Manager in the Radiotherapy department at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH). Russell has previously completed several NIHR-funded programmes, including the Master’s degree in ‘Clinical Research’, the Pre-Doctoral Bridging scheme, and the ‘Leading Clinical Research Delivery’ PGCert. At UEA, Russell is the module lead for the Facilitating Clinical Research in Practice module and co-lead for Using Evidence to Lead and Advance Practice’.
Morag Farquhar
Morag is Professor of Palliative Care Research at University of East Anglia (UEA). She was an early graduate nurse (King’s College London) and has conducted health services research for over 30 years. She has held NIHR fellowships, teaches on the Use of Evidence in Clinical Practice, and mentors/supervises clinical academics. Her research programmes have developed a series of evidence-based healthcare interventions including the Support Needs Approach for Patients (SNAP: https://thesnap.org.uk/), the Carer Support Nurse (https://arc-eoe.nihr.ac.uk/research-implementation/research-themes/palliative-and-end-life-care/carer-support-nurse-pilot) , and a web-based resource for unpaid/family carers of breathless patients (https://supporting-breathlessness.org.uk/).