Pre-doctoral Bridging Award

Applications for 2023 now closed

For specific  queries regarding this scheme please contact

What does the Pre-Doctoral Bridging offer?

For those who have completed a Masters in research or equivalent and are looking to further their clinical academic career through doctoral level study. These highly competitive awards are free to successful applicants and offer 46 days of protected study time over 12 months including formal training through masterclasses and mentorship. 

The awards include:

• 6 full days of Masterclasses and action learning sets (attendance is mandatory) to develop skills in research proposal development 

• A payment of £7,500 to applicant’s employing organisation towards the cost of salary backfill costs, travel and training 

• Mentorship from a clinical academic supervisor and support to build a supervisory team and develop a competitive doctoral fellowship application  

• 40 days of independent study time to be taken flexibly 

• Access to the University of East Anglia library resources.

Download your application form and guidance  below or email to request these via email 

Pre-Doc Bridging guidance 2023.pdf
Pre-Doc application 2023.docx