For mentors and supervisors
Mentorship and supervision of clinical academics is vital for individuals to thrive and develop. There is a community of people working in clinical practice and academia who can and want to support aspiring clinical academics at different stages of their career.
Mentorship and supervision of clinical academics is vital for individuals to thrive and develop. There is a community of people working in clinical practice and academia who can and want to support aspiring clinical academics at different stages of their career.
"Great mentors provide a stimulating sanctuary in which people can take a helicopter view of their options.”
"Great mentors provide a stimulating sanctuary in which people can take a helicopter view of their options.”
Mike Pegg, The Art of Mentoring, 2005
Formal research mentoring is an integral part of the HEE funded Bridging programme where each intern (pre-Masters) or fellow (pre-doctoral and post-doctoral) is matched with a mentor for the duration of their award. If you are interested in becoming a mentor please complete the self-nomination form and return by email to
Formal research mentoring is an integral part of the HEE funded Bridging programme where each intern (pre-Masters) or fellow (pre-doctoral and post-doctoral) is matched with a mentor for the duration of their award. If you are interested in becoming a mentor please complete the self-nomination form and return by email to
Some excellent resources
Some excellent resources
for mentors and mentees to help them get the most out of their mentoring relationship can be found at the Academy of Medical Science
for mentors and mentees to help them get the most out of their mentoring relationship can be found at the Academy of Medical Science

Academic supervision
Academic supervision
Academic supervision entails providing specific clinical, topic and/or methodological advice with regards to a proposed fellowship application (usually doctoral). The primary supervisor for a doctoral fellowship will be employed by the University where you will register for a PhD. Your primary supervisor should be experienced in supporting doctoral students to successful completion. You should include other supervisors who can provide additional specific clinical and research expertise relevant to your fellowship. They can be based in other universities or health and care organisation but should be selected for the specific advice and support that they can provide you.
Academic supervision entails providing specific clinical, topic and/or methodological advice with regards to a proposed fellowship application (usually doctoral). The primary supervisor for a doctoral fellowship will be employed by the University where you will register for a PhD. Your primary supervisor should be experienced in supporting doctoral students to successful completion. You should include other supervisors who can provide additional specific clinical and research expertise relevant to your fellowship. They can be based in other universities or health and care organisation but should be selected for the specific advice and support that they can provide you.